
3/8" Peastone

Peastone Mix

Coarse Sand


175 Market Street Lawrence, MA
​Make Your Backyard your Next Vacation Destination! 

Process Gravel

Arriving 2024!

3/4" Crushed Stone

3/8" Crushed Stone

​We have various types of aggregate at M.O'Mahoney Company.  We carry onsite: Fine Sand, 3/8" Pea Stone, 3/4" Crushed Stone, Coarse Sand, Pea Stone Mix, Process Gravel/Base Pack.  Each of these aggregates are readily available in bags, 5 gallon buckets (bring your own) or bulk.  We can deliver any of our aggregate within 1-2 days from the time of your order.  We sell our bulk quantities by the 1/4 yard, 1/2 yard or full yard increments.

Arriving in 2024!:

3/8" Crushed Stone

Fine Sand
